Blather 'Round

fa fa-regular fa-lightbulb-onTriviafa fa-regular fa-user-group2 - 6 Playersfa fa-regular fa-clock-eleven-thirty15 Min

Blather ‘Round is a guessing game full of blundering, stumbling, and–yes!– blathering. Describe pop culture items to your friends, but you’ll never get quiiiiite the right words.

Trailers & Screenshots

About the Game

The first thing you do in Blather ‘Round is choose a prompt. It could be a person, place, thing or story. Within each category, the prompts vary widely! A “person” could be anyone from an actual human being (ex: our lord and savior Oprah Winfrey) to an anthropomorphic dog (ex: Scooby Doo).

Then, everyone takes a turn presenting. When it’s your turn, you describe your prompt by tapping words to fill out a sentence. But your options are very limited! You might want to call Scooby Doo a “cartoon dog detective” but you might end up calling him a “ravenous mystery beast.”

As you create more elaborate sentences, your fellow players are submitting guesses. You can help steer the guessing by incorporating their guesses into some of your sentences. As soon as someone guesses your prompt correctly, your turn is over!

In the second round, the points are doubled! And everything else is the same! By Round 2, you’ll be so ready to hit the ground running, you might even get sort of intense about it. But don’t forget that in the end, all that matters is you blathered together.

Release Date


Game Type


Player Count

2 - 6 Players


15 Minutes

Family Friendly Setting

Moderation Settings

Audience Capacity



American English (EN-US)